Starting in the 2023-2024 academic year, Bald Knob Public Schools is implementing an exciting change to the school week: late starts on Wednesdays for students. Wednesday on a 5-Day School week. The timing of this initiative has been strategically scheduled to support the professional growth of the esteemed teaching faculty.

Kicking off with a delayed start time of 8:50 AM for grades K-5 and 8:40 AM for grades 6-12, students can sleep in for a little longer before arriving at school for their daily learning journey. Please note that all Wednesday Late Start dates are posted on the BKPS homepage in the calendar section, so be sure to stay updated with their schedule here.
Bald Knob Public Schools primary aim is to foster high levels of learning for all students and help teachers strengthen their skills through regular collaboration opportunities. The Late Start initiative is an excellent opportunity for teams of educators, both regular and special education teachers, to analyze student data, plan common assessments, curriculums and instructions, develop cross-disciplinary activities, and design interventions and enrichments. These collaborative team sessions will be held at their respective school sites, bringing together teams of educators to brainstorm ideas and elevate student outcomes.